Every now and then in life you meet someone that is simply…AMAZING. I met Robin Brown just a few weeks ago and I was instantly drawn to her. She was singing her heart out and it was beautiful. Her and her girl friends were rallying to get donations for Robin to pay for a trip to NYC to enter a music competition – W.O.W (Wild Out Wednesday 106 and Park)
I gave my meager few dollars like all the other people around but then I came back because I wanted to do more. A few days later we got together to create some promo photos for her Facebook page – Mz. RB (be sure to become a fan! You will want to follow this girl – she is going to be famous) If you have a few extra dollars and you want to help Robin – send her a message on Facebook.
Brian Bunn of Brian Bunn Films jumped in to help Robin out by creating a short music video for her. Sunny Hutchinson of Themba Imagery also came to help and took some really cool behind the scenes shots for Robin. You can see more on Sunny’s blog.
I want to give a special thanks to The Harvey B. Gantt Center for providing a super cool location for our shoot. Thanks to everyone that is supporting Robin in helping her dreams come true!!